Monday, 15 February 2010

Bad things happen in threes

When it comes to our trip to Russia and the Trans Siberian Railway EVERYTHING has been against us. Strike one was the train departure date getting moved up by one week and messing up our two month itinerary and resulting in more money spent in order to change the date.

Strike two was my passport disappearing on its way to the Mongolian Embassy in Goteborg. I thought this was due to my own stupidity by not sending it properly but turns out the man was a complete idiot and had the passport and my visa but somehow had "no record" of ever receiving it! I ended up getting a new passport on my birthday and starting the visa process all over again. Getting a Russian visa is impossible, Hanna was first denied because she did not have all necessary papers.

My third stroke of bad luck occured when driving down the motorway on my way to the airport thinking everything is under control and pleased to finally have managed to cram every last piece of clothing and survival medication into my backpack. Suddenly out of nowhere the speedometer dies down from 100km/h to zero in a matter of seconds and the car breaks down. Mid panic attack we manage to swerve to the side of the road, not completely out of harms way since this is one of the lanes and trucks are coming at us at full speed. We quickly got the red triangle thing out (you know the one I mean) and placed it a few metres up the road. Having only half an hour until check-in closes and wondering whether I should just give up and admit defeat, I called a taxi to pick me up in the middle of the motorway. You can imagine the surprise when I described my location.

In the end we didn't miss the plane and all is well- apart from Hanna who felt like someone was stabbing at her ear since she has suffered a bad cold these past few days and the air pressure didn't make this any better. She was handed a cup to hold against her ear by the steward and she kept it there for the duration of the flight, looking like a robot and feeling intense pain but she managed to pull through and all is well. She says it was horrible.

Over and out or should I say

большая любовь

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